Massage therapy treatments for riders, owners or grooms can be carried out on-site using a massage chair.   Massage treatments are given through clothing – so it is convenient for humans to share an appointment with the horse!


Riders, in particular, often mirror the problems that are found in their horses.  Regular massage is highly beneficial for reducing the impact of rider tensions and muscular problems on the horse.  

Sometimes muscular problems manifest as stiff necks, or regular headaches, or limited range of motion in a joint.  Grooms undertake particularly physical work, and an on-site massage can provide welcome relief from job related physical strains. 

Helen uses massage, mobilisations, range of motion exercises, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue releases and neuromuscular techniques to address problem areas and improve function. 

Massage offers the following benefits

- Reduction of muscle pain

- Alleviation of tension or spasm

- Enhancement of venous and lymphatic circulation, improving tissue health

- Increased mobility and suppleness 


01598 710513 or 07970 619906